Greater Toronto Area Adventist Community Services Federation

As we have opportunity let us do good unto all men – Gal 6:10 “Touching Hearts, Transforming Communities and Transforming Life.

About us

The GTA Adventist Community Services Federation or (GTAACSF) was formed in the fall of 2005 by the amalgamation of two longstanding federation-the East Toronto Federation and the West Toronto Federation with goals to support and empower the Community Services Departments of the GTA.


Pastor Theodore Sargeant, Director

Welcome to the Greater Toronto Area Adventist Community Services Federation, serving 75 churches in Toronto and its environs, providing instruction in community services methods and techniques; stimulates greater interest in community services; hears reports of the members’ societies; lays plans for future activities and provides an opportunity for the fellowship of community services workers.

The membership of the Federation is composed of all elected officers of the local church Community Services Department, other members of the church interested in Community service, Pastors within the geographical boundaries of the area.

The Community Services Federation provides leadership, resources, information and training for the church members in conjunction with the Community Services Department of the Ontario Conference of Seventh-day Adventists that live within the region and is a news and information service for anyone wishing to find out more about the Church.

Coming out of scriptures that paint a compelling picture of God, you are invited to explore, experience and know the One who desires to make us whole.

Anthony Pegus, President of GTAACS Federation

Welcome to the Greater Toronto Area Adventist Community Service Federation (GTAACSF) It gives me great pleasure to bid you welcome to this very important ministry which is the right arm of our church.  This Federation was created to assist the churches in their ministry to the community with the following resources:  Training and workshops, such as Disaster Response & Relief, ASL for the Deaf, Food Handlers Courses etc.  We also facilitate many opportunities to network with members of various ministries with social activities such as our Annual picnics and our ACS Awards Dinners.  We are always present at our annual Ontario Conference Camp Meetings with a booth full of resources to assist you with your programs.


Disaster Response Training Courses
Food Handlers Training Courses and Seminars
ASL Sign Language for the Deaf Training and Seminars


The GTA is a mega city with tremendous growth.  We must pool our resources and develop strategies to help the federation member churches grow their department and outreach activities. We must foster community networking opportunities.


Educational services in healthEducational services in health Self- help Projects
Food/clothing/furniture distributionDisaster Relief
Hospital VisitationHospital Visitation Counselling/Spiritual Ministry
Family Outreach ProjectsAdult Day Programs
TutoringSeniors Projects


The GTA is a mega city with tremendous growth.  We must pool our resources and develop strategies to help the federation member churches grow their department and outreach activities. We must foster community networking opportunities.


We would like to say a Heartfelt thank you to the Executive Members of the GTAACS Federation for answering the call for assistance with food supplies for our Food Pantry during this COVID-19 Pandemic. Because of your great vision and Godly service to the many churches in the GTA we were able to meet the demands of the vulnerable members of our community by providing much needed food supplies to the many families documented and non-documented alike during these very difficult days. We have heard from many families that because of us they were able to put a hot meal on their tables during their job losses in this pandemic. Thank you and may God continue to richly bless the work of your hands as you continue in his service.

Dawn Pegus, ACS Leader
Ruth SDA Church



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