
Ruth SDA Church

We would like to say a Heartfelt thank you to the Executive Members of the GTAACS Federation for answering the call for assistance with food supplies for our Food Pantry during this COVID-19 Pandemic.  Because of your great vision and Godly service to the many churches in the GTA we were able to meet the demands of the vulnerable members of our community by providing much needed food supplies to the many families documented and non-documented alike during these very difficult days.  We have heard from many families that because of us they were able to put a hot meal on their tables during their job losses in this pandemic.  Thank you and may God continue to richly bless the work of your hands as you continue in his service. Dawn Pegus, Community Service Leader

Parkdale SDA Church

“On behalf of Parkdale SDA church, I would like to personally thank the Federation Food Distribution for being a real blessing to my church and community.  The food was well received and provided much relief to the recipients, especially during the height of the pandemic, a time of severe food insecurity.  Thank you, Pastor Sargeant.  Flavia Harriott

First Filipino Canadian Adventist Church

We gave the food that we received from GTAACS to some of our Bible interests – students, new immigrants, seniors, and those who were let go as a result of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Last Christmas 2020, we added $25 grocery gift card to the food that we received from GTAACS. The recipients were very appreciative of this assistance. The Bible study continues for these Bible interests.

Angie, Filipino Canadian SDA Church

Downsview SDA church

The food that we received from the estate sure it was received farewell we brought it to some of our shut-ins and we gave it to some of the people in the neighbourhood they loved it we bagged them up we gave them out we gave about 100 people got food from that, our shut-in’s to our people in our neighbourhood we appreciate it we would like more so when you do get another donation please let us know.  Thank you. Zefry Ashle,

Maria Ramos

It was a blessing.  I was able to prepare food baskets.  I just added some fresh fruits and veggies. It turned out to be a beautiful experience delivering them. I reached out to some community groups around here and got a few requests, but one person got my attention. “She did not ask for food, but I sensed something about her, so I asked her if it was okay for me to come to her house, since I was going to her city that day. She said OK!  So, I prepared a beautiful basket and added more food in a box and bags.”  It turned out that she had no food in the house and was planning to take her own life.  Since then, I was able to bring her more food, and have been visiting and praying with her often.  She believes that was God that sent me there that day!  She still struggling, but in a much better state of mind now.  PRAISE THE LORD. ALL GLORY BE TO HIS HOLY NAME. AMEN.  God bless.